
Cumulus (cumulus) is used for software bundling and for managing CloudFormation deployments.

Cumulus configuration

Example cumulus.conf

All configuration is read form /etc/cumulus.conf, ~/.cumulus.conf and ./cumulus.conf in order. You can also specify a custom configuration file using --config.

Below is a full example configuration:

log-level: info

[environment: stage]
access-key-id: <AWS ACCESS KEY>
secret-access-key: <AWS SECRET KEY>
bucket: se.skymill.bundles
region: eu-west-1
stacks: full
bundles: webserver, database, app
version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
pre-deploy-hook: /path/to/script
post-deploy-hook: echo "Yay" > ~/test.log
stack-name-prefix: myproject
#stack-name-suffix: myproject

[stack: full]
template: /Users/sebastian/tmp/hosts/webserver.json
disable-rollback: true
#timeout-in-minutes: 10
    version = 1.1.0,
    test tag = my test value
    key = value
    project = Example project

[bundle: webserver]
pre-bundle-hook: git clone git://
post-bundle-hook: rm -rf my

[bundle: database]
pre-bundle-hook: /path/to/script
paths: /Users/sebastian/tmp/hosts/database
    /wordpress -> /var/www/wordpress
    /nginx -> /etc/nginx

[bundle: app]
pre-built-bundle: /Users/sebastian/build/

Section: general

The configuration options here modify the behavior of Cumulus features that are not environment or stack specific.

Option Type Required Comment
log-level String No Log level (one of: debug, info, warning and error)
include CommaSeparatedList No List of config files to include

Section: environment

The following configuration options are available under [environment: env_name]. The env_name is the identifier for the environment.

Option Type Required Comment
access-key-id String Yes AWS access key
secret-access-key String Yes AWS secret access key
bucket String Yes AWS S3 bucket to store bundles in
region String Yes AWS region name, e.g. us-east-1
stacks List Yes List of stack names to deploy
bundles List Yes List of bundles to build and upload
version String Yes Environment version number
pre-deploy-hook String No Command to execute before deployment
post-deploy-hook String No Command to execute after deployment
stack-name-prefix String No Prepend a prefix to the stack name
stack-name-suffix String No Append a suffix to the stack name

Section: stack

Options for the [stack: stack_name] configuration section.

Option Type Required Comment
template String Yes Path to local CloudFormation JSON file
disable-rollback Boolean No Should CloudFormation rollbacks be disabled? Default: false
timeout-in-minutes Int No Set a CloudFormation creation timeout
parameters Line sep. string Yes Parameters to send to the CloudFormation template. Should be on the form key = value. Each parameter is separated by a new line.
tags Line sep. string No CloudFormation tags to add to the stack

Section: bundle

Options for the [bundle: bundle_name] configuration section.

Option Type Required Comment
pre-bundle-hook String No Command to execute before bundling
post-bundle-hook String No Command to execute after bundling
paths Line sep. string Yes Paths to include in the bundle. Each path should be declared on a new line.
path-rewrites Line sep. string No Replace parts of the paths. Will make a string replace before bundling. Format: /example/path/ -> / (will replace /example/path/ will be replaced by /)
pre-build-bundle String No Path to a pre-built bundle. This option will make the paths redundant.

Command line options

Below is a listing of the cumulus command line options.

usage: cumulus [-h] [-e ENVIRONMENT] [-s STACKS] [--version VERSION]
               [--parameters PARAMETERS] [--config CONFIG] [--cumulus-version]
               [--force] [--bundle] [--deploy] [--deploy-without-bundling]
               [--redeploy] [--events] [--list] [--outputs]
               [--validate-templates] [--undeploy]

Cumulus cloud management tool

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

General options:
                        Environment to use
  -s STACKS, --stacks STACKS
                        Comma separated list of stacks to deploy. Default
                        behavior is to deploy all stacks for an environment
  --version VERSION     Environment version number. Overrides the version
                        value from the configuration file
  --parameters PARAMETERS
                        CloudFormation parameters. On the form: stack_name:par
  --config CONFIG       Path to configuration file. Can be a comma separated
                        list of files.
  --cumulus-version     Print cumulus version number
  --force               Skip any safety questions

  --bundle              Build and upload bundles to AWS S3
  --deploy              Bundle and deploy all stacks in the environment
                        Deploy all stacks in the environment, without bundling
  --redeploy            Undeploy and deploy the stack(s). Implies bundling.
  --events              List events for the stack
  --list                List stacks for each environment
  --outputs             Show output for all stacks
  --validate-templates  Validate all templates for the environment
  --undeploy            Undeploy (delete) all stacks in the environment. Use
                        --force to skip the safety question.

Stack naming

CloudFormation stacks must have a unique name. Cumulus will therefore combine the environment name and the stack name from the configuration. The pattern is <environment>-<stack_name>. So, if your environment is called production and your stack is webservers then your CloudFormation stack will be named production-webservers.

You can also optionally add a prefix or suffix to the stack name using the stack-name-prefix and/or stack-name-suffix options.

Deploying an environment

To deploy (create or update) an environment run the following:

cumulus --environment production --deploy
When running on Windows, you’ll need to invoke Cumulus with python cumulus

If you only want to deploy a certain stack, use the --stacks option.

Undeploying (deleting) an environment

If you want to remove a whole environment, you’ll undeploy it by running:

cumulus --environment production --undeploy
WARNING! This will delete all resources defined in your CloudFormation
When running on Windows, you’ll need to invoke Cumulus with python cumulus

Note on environment specific configuration

Cumulus supports environment specific configuration, if you are using cumulus to create your bundles. This is useful if you have one httpd.conf for production purposes and another for testing. To have files that should only be included in specific environments, prefix them with __cumulus-environment__filename.

So for example: __cumulus-production__nginx.conf is the nginx.conf for the production environment.